All young people deserve honest, factual, non-manipulative answers to their
questions. All young people deserve support in coping with difficult situations,
overcoming daily challenges and striving to become better human beings.
Youth Embassy attempts to provide the information and resources young people
may need to grow and develop as happy, healthy, responsible and successful
If you are a teen, you have rights as a human being to be provided with factual
information and resources that will allow you to make decisions that will be best
for you and your situation. You have a right to learn to make your own decisions;
you have a right to explore and express the wonderful world that is you; and you
have the right to be heard and determine what you want to learn and know about.
Youth Embassy is dedicated to providing youth with access to science-based,
realistic responses to questions regarding sexuality, health and human development.
* For more information, check out UGTS for everything you need to know, or try some of the website links listed under resources.